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在以下条款和条件当中“工作室”指代Studio-frae ehf.浮来工作室;“策划师”指代Studio-frae ehf.浮来工作室的活动策划师;“供应商”指代订单中为客户预定项目的服务商;“客户”指代预定表中填写的客户。双方同意,以下协议条款构成本合同的组成部分,客户不得以任何方式更改,除非工作室以书面形式明确同意这些条件。


第一条 工作内容

第一节 客户已支付作为其在冰岛举办私人活动的意向金,即在同意工作室报价的基础上,工作室预先为客户预订私人活动场地,以确保活动能如期进行。 

第二节 工作室完成预订场地后,客户需和工作室完成细节的活动方案并正式预约。

第三节 正式预约需由工作室根据当时最新活动方案的内容重新以冰岛克朗价计算,客户需支付总款50%。预约完成后意向金应退还给客户。 


第二条 权利,义务和责任

第一节 收取意向金后,工作室应出具收据证明已收取意向金。

第二节 正式预约时,工作室需与客户重新确认客户的订单细则及价格,并重新签署服务条款。

第三节 工作室应第一时间为客户确认预订方案(例如场地和主持人),如果预订失败,工作室应尝试为客户协调新的活动时间或场地以确保客户的活动顺利进行。如果协调失败,工作室将立即退回客户的意向金。

第四节 在策划师确定预订到最终方案后,客户应在婚礼日期前30天以上与工作室正式预约并交付定金,逾期则视为客户自动放弃预约和意向金。

第五节 客户在交意向金时已认可工作室的报价,因此在正式预约时不得重新议价或以此为借口取消预约。

第六节 客户应最迟在活动结束后24小时内完成支付尾款。

第七节 在正式预定后,客户如修改订单,尾款将重新计算。 


第三条 取消服务

第一节 当策划师已经为客户预订到最终方案,但客户还没有与工作室正式预约,此时客户如无正当理由提出取消预约,应从意向金中扣除2000CNY (贰仟人民币)作为工作室前期策划的劳务费用。

第二节 当工作室因为控制之外的原因(生病,受伤甚至死亡等)不得不单方面取消预约时,工作室有责任退给客户全款并出于道义推荐其他供应商给客户。

第三节 冰岛婚姻注册项目属于特殊项目,一旦预约后由于客户的原因取消或者申请失败,工作室不予以退款。


在以下条款和条件当中“工作室”指代Studio-frae ehf.浮来工作室;“摄影师”指代Studio-frae ehf.浮来工作室的摄影师;“供应商”指代订单中为客户预定项目的服务商;“客户”指代预定表中填写的客户。双方同意,以下协议条款构成本合同的组成部分,客户不得以任何方式更改,除非工作室以书面形式明确同意这些条件。



第一条 预订

第一节 客户已支付预约的预定金,工作室承诺为客户保留当天/时的服务并关闭对外预约。 

第二节 剩余款项客户需在婚礼结束后24小时内结清。 


第二条 价格及服务内容

第一节 客户预定的服务内容明细将在订单产生时列在订单邮件上,工作室会针对款项出具一份收据。如之后产生其它道具或服务将由客户在结算尾款中结清,例如骑马,装饰,化妆,差旅等。

第二节 当客户追加其他服务时,工作室将以邮件的形式确认客户的订单。


第三条 权利,义务和责任

第一节 工作室应按订单内容有效,及时地与客户进行婚礼准备沟通,并完成客户预约的项目。

第二节 工作室应第一时间为客户确认预定婚礼场地和婚礼主持人,如果预定失败,工作室应尝试为客户协调婚礼时间或场地以确保客户的婚礼顺利进行。如果协调失败,工作室将立即退回客户的预定金。

第三节 当工作室为客户代理冰岛婚姻注册事务时,客户应如实告知工作室自身的情况,积极协助工作室完成申请工作,如客户隐瞒,造假文件导致申请失败或其他法律纠纷,工作室不应为此负责。

第四节 当工作室为客户代理冰岛婚姻注册事务时,工作室仅代理客户完成申请冰岛英文结婚证书,由此之后客户双方如因此有法律上的纠纷,工作室不应负责。相关法律咨询也应由客户自行进行。

第五节 客户以及来参加婚礼的宾客在婚礼准备以及婚礼过程中,应遵守当地的法律法规,并尊重婚礼主持人的宗教信仰。

第六节 工作室有义务及时与客户进行婚礼准备的沟通,客户应主动积极配合工作室发出的婚礼准备需求。


第八节 当婚礼地点受天气,官方限制等原因临时无法顺利进行,客户应接受工作室安排好的备用场地。

第九节 当婚礼受客户本人或来参加婚礼的宾客影响无法顺利进行,工作室不应为此负责。

第十节 客户和工作室的供应商应在约定的时间到达婚礼地点。婚礼主持人或其他供应商如有迟到罚款,工作室会在婚礼后转达,客户应缴纳相应罚款。

第十一节 婚礼过程中禁止任何人擅自使用非可降解的材料致使婚礼场地遭到污染或损害,如有发生,使用者需缴纳相应的清洁费甚至罚款。

第十二节 当客户与供应商在服务过程中发生冲突,欢迎向工作室提出投诉,工作室会对其处理,但工作室的义务仅限于更换供应商。

第十三节 客户同意工作室在一定日期后使用本次婚礼的视觉材料,即照片或视频,用于工作室的案例展示,发布日期客户和工作室可以另行协商。

第十四节 工作室在展示案例时有义务保护客户的个人信息及个人形象。


第四条 取消预约

第一节 当工作室因为控制之外的原因(生病,受伤甚至死亡等)不得不单方面取消预约时,工作室有责任退给客户全款并出于道义推荐其他供应商给客户。

第二节 客户需提前30天以上邮件联系工作室进行取消或者修改,除注册项目外其他服务项目30天及以上取消可获得100%退款,15-29天取消可获得50%退款,7-14天取消可获得25%退款,当客户在7天以内取消则没有退款。

第三节 冰岛婚姻注册项目属于特殊项目,一旦预约后由于客户的原因取消或者申请失败,工作室不予以退款。


第五条 更改订单

第一节 客户需在原婚礼日期15天前以电子邮件的形式提出更改婚礼细节,例如日期,地点或服务内容,工作室会在适应当时工作室以及供应商的时间安排的情况下安排新的预约。所有费用将挪到新的预约里,取消条款则根据原来的预约时间计算。若无法完成修改,则参照第四条安排退款。

第二节 在更改订单的过程中供应商的更改可能造成价格的变化,工作室应与客户达成一致。

第三节 客户须在尾款中补齐工作室及供应商因更改订单已消费的费用(包括并不限于:场地预订费,取消费, 住宿费,时效道具费等),工作室须向客户出示已消费金额的证明。


第六条 因恶劣天气而更改订单

第一节 当天气恶劣时,工作室需和客户双方达成新的共识,商量临时增减服务内容,例如化妆,摄影,摄像等。

第二节 工作室将尽最大的努力确保客户顺利完成婚礼,因此工作室有权根据当天当时的天气等自然情况决定改变户外婚礼的计划,在此婚礼计划特指婚礼的地点。如果客户坚持拒绝改变婚礼计划但天气等自然状况与此冲突时,婚礼不得不取消,没有退款。

第三节 当极端天气导致航班等交通延误,客户无法按时出席婚礼时,工作室有义务定制紧急方案确保婚礼的顺利进行。客户也应接受工作室提出的紧急方案。


第七条 退款

当工作室需要向客户退款时, 工作室因此订单已消费的费用(包括并不限于:住宿费,信用卡转账费等)将无法退还。工作室需向客户出示以消费金额的证明。


第八条 个人安全



第九条 投诉程序



第十条 附件



第十一条 隐私


本条款修改于2024年11月,浮来工作室保留随时修改或修改其服务条款的权利,如有修改我们将会对合作伙伴和已预定的客户进行通知。 同时浮来工作室也保留对其条款和条件的解释的最终决定权。

Event Planning Intention Deposit Terms

In the following terms and conditions, "Studio" refers to Studio-frae ehf.; "Planner" refers to the event planner of Studio-frae ehf.; "Supplier" refers to the service provider who booked the project for the customer in the order; "Customer" refers to the customer filled in the booking form. The parties agree that the following terms of the agreement constitute an integral part of this contract and the customer shall not change them in any way unless the studio explicitly agrees to these conditions in writing.


Article 1 Work Content

Section 1 The customer has paid RMB as the intention deposit for holding a private event in Iceland, that is, on the basis of agreeing to the studio's quotation, the studio pre-books a private event venue for the customer to ensure that the event can proceed as scheduled.

Section 2 After the studio completes the reservation of the venue, the customer needs to complete the detailed event plan with the studio and make a formal reservation.

Section 3 The formal reservation needs to be recalculated by the studio in Icelandic kronor based on the content of the latest event plan at that time, and the customer needs to pay 50% of the total amount. The intention deposit shall be returned to the customer after the reservation is completed.


Article 2 Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities

Section 1 After collecting the intention deposit, the studio shall issue a receipt to prove that the intention deposit has been collected.

Section 2 When making a formal reservation, the studio shall reconfirm the customer's order details and price with the customer and re-sign the terms of service.

Section 3 The studio shall confirm the reservation plan (such as venue and host) for the customer as soon as possible. If the reservation fails, the studio shall try to coordinate a new event time or venue for the customer to ensure the smooth progress of the customer's event. If the coordination fails, the studio will immediately return the customer's intention deposit.

Section 4 After the planner confirms the final plan, the customer must make a formal reservation with the studio and pay the deposit at least 30 days before wedding day. If the deadline is exceeded, the customer will be deemed to have automatically waived the reservation and intention deposit.

Section 5 The customer has recognized the studio's quotation when paying the intention deposit, so it is not allowed to renegotiate the price or cancel the reservation on this basis when making a formal reservation.

Section 6 The customer shall complete the payment of the balance within 24 hours after the end of the event at the latest.

Section 7 After the formal reservation, if the customer modifies the order, the balance will be recalculated.


Article 3 Cancellation of Service

Section 1 When the planner has booked the final plan for the client, but the client has not made a formal appointment with the studio, if the client cancels the appointment without a valid reason, 2000CNY (two thousand RMB) shall be deducted from the intention fee as the labor cost of the studio's preliminary planning.

Section 2 When the studio has to unilaterally cancel the appointment due to reasons beyond its control (illness, injury or even death, etc.), the studio has the responsibility to refund the client in full and recommend other suppliers to the client out of moral obligation.

Section 3 The Icelandic Marriage Registration Project is a special project. Once the appointment is cancelled due to the client's reasons or the application fails, the studio will not refund the money.


Wedding Service Terms and Conditions

In the following terms and conditions, "Studio" refers to Studio-frae ehf. ; "Photographer" refers to the photographer of Studio-frae ehf. ; "Supplier" refers to the service provider who booked the project for the client in the order; "Client" refers to the client filled in the booking form. Both parties agree that the following terms of agreement constitute an integral part of this contract and the client shall not change them in any way unless the studio explicitly agrees to these conditions in writing.


Article 1 Booking

Section 1 The client has paid Icelandic kronor as a deposit for the reservation on date (year), and the studio promises to reserve the service for that day/hour for the client and close the external reservation.

Section 2 The remaining amount of Icelandic kronor must be settled by the client within 24 hours after the wedding.


Article 2 Price and Service Content

Section 1 The details of the service content reserved by the client will be listed in the order email when the order is generated, and the studio will issue a receipt for the payment. If other props or services are generated later, they will be settled by the client in the final payment, such as horse riding, decoration, makeup, travel, etc.

Section 2 When the client adds other services, the studio will confirm the client's order by email.


Article 3 Rights, Obligations and Responsibilities

Section 1 The studio shall communicate with the client on wedding preparations in an effective and timely manner according to the order content, and complete the items reserved by the client.

Section 2 The studio shall confirm the reservation of the wedding venue and wedding host for the client as soon as possible. If the reservation fails, the studio shall try to coordinate the wedding time or venue for the client to ensure the smooth progress of the client's wedding. If the coordination fails, the studio will immediately return the client's reservation deposit.

Section 3 When the studio acts as an agent for Icelandic marriage registration for clients, the client should truthfully inform the studio of his or her own situation and actively assist the studio in completing the application. If the client conceals or falsifies documents, resulting in application failure or other legal disputes, the studio shall not be responsible for this.

Section 4 When the studio acts as an agent for Icelandic marriage registration for clients, the studio only acts as an agent for clients to complete the application for Icelandic English marriage certificate. If there are legal disputes between the client and the client afterwards, the studio shall not be responsible. Relevant legal consultation should also be conducted by the client himself or herself.

Section 5 Clients and guests attending the wedding should abide by local laws and regulations during the wedding preparation and wedding process, and respect the religious beliefs of the wedding host.

Section 6 The studio has the obligation to communicate with the client about the wedding preparation in a timely manner, and the client should actively cooperate with the wedding preparation requirements issued by the studio.

Section 7 In rare circumstances beyond the control of the studio, if a supplier of a certain service content is temporarily unable to complete it on the wedding day, the studio is obliged to urgently find an alternative supplier, but the studio's responsibility is limited to refunding the money for the service.

Section 8 When the wedding venue is temporarily unable to proceed smoothly due to weather, official restrictions, etc., the client should accept the alternative venue arranged by the studio.

Section 9 When the wedding cannot proceed smoothly due to the influence of the client himself or the guests attending the wedding, the studio shall not be responsible for this.

Section 10 The client and the studio's suppliers shall arrive at the wedding venue at the agreed time. If there is a fine for late arrival for the wedding host or other suppliers, the studio will convey it after the wedding, and the client shall pay the corresponding fine.

Section 11 During the wedding, no one is allowed to use non-degradable materials without authorization to cause pollution or damage to the wedding venue. If this happens, the user shall pay the corresponding cleaning fee or even a fine.

Section 12 When a conflict occurs between the client and the supplier during the service process, you are welcome to file a complaint with the studio, and the studio will handle it, but the studio's obligation is limited to replacing the supplier.

Section 13 The client agrees that the studio will use the visual materials of this wedding, i.e. photos or videos, for the studio's case display after a certain date. The release date can be negotiated separately by the client and the studio.

Section 14 The studio is obliged to protect the client's personal information and personal image when displaying the case.


Article 4 Cancellation of Reservation

Section 1 When the studio has to cancel the reservation unilaterally due to reasons beyond its control (illness, injury or even death, etc.), the studio is responsible for refunding the customer in full and recommending other suppliers to the customer out of moral obligation.

Section 2 Customers must contact the studio by email at least 30 days in advance to cancel or modify. For other service items except registration items, 100% refund will be given for cancellation 30 days or more, 50% refund will be given for cancellation 15-29 days, 25% refund will be given for cancellation 7-14 days, and no refund will be given if the customer cancels within 7 days.

Section 3 Icelandic Marriage Registration Project is a special project. Once the reservation is cancelled due to customer reasons or the application fails, the studio will not refund.


Article 5 Change of Order

Section 1 Customers must request to change the wedding details, such as date, location or service content, by email 15 days before the original wedding date. The studio will arrange a new reservation while adapting to the time arrangements of the studio and suppliers at that time. All fees will be transferred to the new reservation, and the cancellation terms will be calculated based on the original reservation time. If the modification cannot be completed, refer to Article 4 for a refund.

Section 2 In the process of changing the order, the supplier's changes may cause price changes, and the studio should reach an agreement with the customer.

Section 3 The customer must make up the studio and the supplier's expenses for changing the order in the final payment (including but not limited to: venue booking fee, cancellation fee, accommodation fee, time-limited props fee, etc.), and the studio must show the customer proof of the amount consumed.


Article 6 Change of order due to bad weather

Section 1 When the weather is bad, the studio needs to reach a new consensus with the customer and discuss the temporary increase or decrease of service content, such as makeup, photography, videography, etc.

Section 2 The studio will do its utmost to ensure that the customer completes the wedding smoothly, so the studio has the right to decide to change the outdoor wedding plan based on the weather and other natural conditions on the day. Here, the wedding plan specifically refers to the location of the wedding. If the customer insists on refusing to change the wedding plan but the weather and other natural conditions conflict with this, the wedding has to be cancelled and there is no refund.

Section 3 When extreme weather causes flight and other transportation delays and the customer cannot attend the wedding on time, the studio is obliged to customize an emergency plan to ensure the smooth progress of the wedding. The customer should also accept the emergency plan proposed by the studio.


Article 7 Refund

When the studio needs to refund the customer, the fees that the studio has consumed for this order (including but not limited to: accommodation fees, credit card transfer fees, etc.) will not be refunded. The studio needs to show the customer proof of the amount of consumption.


Article 8 Personal Safety

The wedding venue selected by the studio for the customer will be deemed that the customer and the guests attending the wedding are capable of acting and will be responsible for their own safety. This means that the studio should not be responsible for the personal safety of others. The customer should judge whether the situation is safe or not when accepting the wedding plan.


Article 9 Complaint Procedure

Any other complaints should be contacted by email or phone to the studio, and the studio will respond within 5 working days of receipt.


Article 10 Annex

If the customer's order includes photography or video services, a separate photography and video contract should be signed.


Article 11 Privacy

All personal information of the customer will be used only for internal use of the studio, and the studio will not disclose it to third parties. If the customer wants his or her information to disappear from the studio's database, please contact the studio in writing.

​This clause was modified in November 2024. Studio-fræ ehf. reserves the right to modify or amend its terms of service at any time. If there is any modification, we will notify our partners and customers who have booked. At the same time, Studio-fræ ehf also reserves the final decision on the interpretation of its terms and conditions.

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Iceland On Image is a wedding photography team based in Iceland.
Iceland On Image是冰岛本地的华人婚纱摄影团队。

Online Hours: UTC +0 9:00-18:00
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© 2021 by Studio-frae ehf.
Tel: +354 7812718
Studio-fræ ehf.
Kt.: 430216-1040
Framnesvegur 44, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland.
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